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    YWIES Residence Hall Charity Computer Classroom

    School News

    06 Nov, 2023

    17 : 17


    YWIES RH Weekend Activities


    Align with Love and Charity

    YWIES RH Charity Computer Classroom

    Completed at Pujiang Wenxin School

    - Character Education -



    ■ Do you remember the volunteer activity organized by the YWIES Residence Hall (click here to review). Students went to Shanghai Zhonggu Public Welfare Youth Development Center, turned idle computers into treasures. This time, we brought the public welfare action outside the campus, and the YWIES RH Charity Computer Classroom was officially completed at Pujiang Wenxin School!



    Activity Review

    Aligning with Love and Charity


    The night before the activity on October 13, in order to ensure the effect of the computer class the next day, the volunteer students began a "rehearsal" early under the guidance of two students "information technology teachers". Tom Huang and Thomas Liunot only carefully prepared the teaching content a few days in advance, but also took the initiative to confirm the details of the scene through video conference with the cooperative units in advance.


    On the morning of October 14, dozens of teachers and students set out from the campus and came to Pujiang Wenxin School together to have this meaningful "one-day trip".


    Upon arrival, Ms. Gu Wenlan, the principal of Wenxin School, and Ms. Zhao Yiming, the Moral Education Officer, warmly received the YWIES teachers and students, led them to visit the campus, and introduced the school's development history and characteristic curriculum in detail.


    Subsequently, nearly 100 teachers and students gathered together, and the donation ceremony was officially held in the Wenxin School Theater.


    Then, under the careful organization of Emily Zhang and Cici Xiao, the student volunteers, a theme activity class was held on the spot to learn about the history, geography, culture and other knowledge of countries around the world through questions and answers.


    The RH teachers also carefully organized fun outdoor activities, and the students also deepened their understanding and friendship with each other in the team activities.


    In the afternoon, we ushered in the "highlight" of this activity - the unveiling ceremony was held at the gate of the computer classroom, which was jointly unveiled by the Wenxin School principal, Ms. Gu Wenlan and the Head of YWIES Residence Hall, Ms. Tammy Tao.


    Two "information technology teachers", Tom Huang and Thomas Liu, also conducted a specially prepared animation class for 48 primary school students in Wenxin School.


    After class, an outdoor team game was also held on the playground, and the children established a deeper friendship in the game.


    Finally, the whole event came to an end when the YWIES student volunteers received their certificates and took a group photo.


    Although the activity has ended, the updated computers that YWIES students brought to the children of Wenxin School and this unforgettable weekend full of kindness will be deeply engraved in each other's hearts.




    Character Education

    Aligning with Love and Charity


    In addition to the activities, the seeds of charity and fraternity have already taken root in YWIES - from primary to secondary, all students must have a compulsory course of "character education".


    YWIES's character education mainly focuses on the development of values. Students gain practical skills to help them overcome ethical, moral, spiritual, social and cultural challenges. Students learn to form their own views, and understand the true meaning of doing good deeds for others.


    Ms. Maggie Zhou, the Chinese Vice-Principal in charge of character education curriculum design of our school, and Ms. Nina Nee, Lower Secondary Coordinator, also introduced our arrangements for this school year:


    Ms Maggie Zhou 

    Chinese Vice-Principal


     Ms Nina Nee 

    Lower Secondary Coordinator


    "YWIES Character Education is a comprehensive course that builds character and fosters the future, committed to developing multi-dimensional character and understanding. Our overall goal is to develop the cognitive, emotional, mental and skills of our students, leading them to thrive in the broad field of knowledge and understanding.


    We build on core literacy and encourage students to explore and think deeply. Each class creates a variety of situations to meet the needs of students and promote changes in learning styles.


    Through diverse community living experiences, students develop teamwork and problem solving skills that encourage self-restraint and a positive attitude.


    Students of different ages have tailored teaching plans and objectives to ensure they receive appropriate guidance and support. Elementary school includes Taoism, psychology, and labor, and middle school adds career development subjects, which run through the principle of integration of multidisciplinary knowledge."


    In addition, the Residence Hall also designed a special character workshops. Mr Michael Zheng, the Deputy Head of Residence Hall in charge of this project, introduced to us:


    Mr Michael Zheng 

    Deputy Head of Residence Hall


    "Character Development is a key education that helps foster and promote balanced moral, intellectual, social and emotional development. It is a continuous learning process that exercises students' practical abilities in real life and helps them overcome challenges in all aspects of life.


    This school year, the themes of our character development workshops include Accountabilege &Previlege, Gratitude&Love, Time is gold and The Power of Words.


    Take our first workshop 'Accountabilege&Previlege(Rights and Duties)' as an example. Through this workshop, we hope to help children further understand and know what rights they have in their daily study and life, and more importantly, help children understand what their duty is, including what content, as a student, while fully enjoying their rights, what basic responsibilities and obligations they should undertake and fulfill. To further enhance children's sense of responsibility."



    Next, Residence Hall will continue to carry out charity activities, and put YWIES's mission of "Align with Love and Charity" into practice; YCYW will hold System-Wide Seeds of Hope Charity Project. Stay tuned~


     · YWIES Residence Hall ·

    Full-time Chinese and foreign RH teachers

    Flexible boarding services

    A variety of exclusive RH activities

     30% foreign teachers 

     The teacher-student ratio is 1:9 


    Professional Boarding Service

    As a boarding international education school serving Chinese and foreign students, YWIES offers flexible boarding for students. Our professional boarding services are assessed and accredited by the Boarding Schools Association (BSA), the largest boarding school association in the world.


    Yew Wah residence halls, as vital extensions of our schools, seek to instil a lifelong love of learning in our residence hall students and actively nurture their whole-person development in order to prepare them to live successful lives characterised by responsible global citizenship, compassion for others and personal integrity.


    Yew Wah residence halls are specifically designed to ensure that all students live in a beautiful, spacious, hygienic and secure environment with modern residential facilities. All students live in groups with 3-12 persons per room depending on grade level. Our rooms are comfortable, modern and secure, with attention to detail in design and furnishings. There is enough study space with good lighting for each student resident. Each room provides air-conditioning and heating, and residents share a private en suite bathroom. There is a family room in which students can socialise, discuss their studies and watch TV during their leisure time.


    Yew Wah residence halls have a timetable for students to follow with regular studying time and activities. Hall staff will supervise evening study. Activity times of age-appropriate length are required for all residence hall students. Residents study in a quiet space and our residence hall teacher will act as mentors to check students' homework diaries, ensure homework is done, help with any problems and communicate with teachers if necessary. Students are free to read anything other than textbooks and homework materials. The purpose is to help extend students' knowledge beyond the classroom. Residence halls always organise diversified activities involving culture and sports for residents after regular studying time. These activities can nurture whole-person development.


    Yew Wah's low residence hall teacher to resident ratio facilitates a nurturing environment that focuses on the individual and promotes students’ safety and well-being. Our residence hall teacher looks after the students from the moment they wake up and go to school until the time they go to sleep. All residence hall teachers are well trained with regard to the residence hall's daily operations, event or activity planning, safety and security of students as well as crisis management. Yew Wah's residence hall teacher will talk with parents by phone or in person about their child on a regular basis, and communicate with parents whenever necessary should the need arise. Residence hall teacher will also produce a regular newsletter reporting recent  activities and upcoming events.

