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    YCYW Celebrates Double International Schools Awards Win

    School News

    08 Dec, 2023

    16 : 33


    The Yew Chung Yew Wah Education Network (YCYW) and the Yew Chung International School of Shanghai (YCIS Shanghai) won both the Outstanding Contribution Award (Group) and the Outstanding Contribution Award (School) at the RAISE 2023 6th Asian International Schools Conference & China International Schools: 30 Years Awards Ceremony held in Hong Kong on 10 November


    RAISE (Redefine Asian International Schools and Education), formerly known as the Asian International Schools Conference, is a prominent industry conference based in the Chinese mainland, It has a significant global influence in the field of international schools. RAISE 2023, the 6th Asian International Schools Conference, was co-organised by Top Schools and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Education Development Association, with the theme of "integrating into the rapidly evolving education". 


    This event brought together educators and international school representatives from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Southeast Asian countries to discuss emerging trends in educational development and the establishment of international schools.


    The China International Schools: 30 Years Awards Ceremony was held concurrently with the conference to recognise schools, individuals, and educational groups for the outstanding contributions they have made to the international school sector in China during the past three decades.


    YCYW representatives including Mr Tin Ip, Education Director; and Ms Diana Tsui, Chief Institutional Development and Marketing Officer, attended the ceremony.


    YCYW received the "Outstanding Contribution Award (Group)". This award is presented to an education group that has been in operation for more than a decade, operates a minimum of three international schools, and has earned a distinguished reputation within China's international school industry. The award is a testament to YCYW's remarkable innovation and excellence in the field of education for more than 90 years.


    Ms Diana Tsui accepted the award on behalf of the organisation. In a subsequent interview, she shared YCYW's philosophy and its longstanding commitment to holistic education, spanning more than 90 years. She also provided insights on YCYW's future development, including the Yew Wah School of Hong Kong which sets to pioneer the Chinese mainland curriculum in Hong Kong and is expected to commence operation as early as the 2026/27 school year.


    "In the future, we hope to give our students more opportunities to gain an in-depth understanding of various fields, such as the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures, from the perspective of a global leader. YCYW is committed to aligning with Science and Technology, Culture and Arts, Love and Charity, so in the future, we will continue to invest in a wealth of resources to foster the development of our students in these domains, and contribute to the building of a common humanity," she explained.


    Professor Feihu Xu, Professor of Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China, introduced YCYW students to quantum physics during his lecture “Science and Innovation Lecture: A Quantum Leap for Information Technology” on 25 September, 2023


    In addition, YCIS Shanghai received the "Outstanding Contribution Award (School)" in recognition of its outstanding performance in international education. This award is given to schools with a history of more than two decades and a well-established reputation for excellence within China’s international school sector. YCIS Shanghai was the first school YCYW established in the Chinese mainland. It also was the first independent international school in Shanghai approved by the Chinese Government. 


    During the 2023-2024 school year, YCIS Shanghai celebrates its 30th anniversary, a significant milestone in its educational journey.


    For 30 years, YCIS Shanghai has focused on nurturing future leaders, instilling students with a global perspective, empathy, an aspiration to build a better world, and a servant’s heart. This award is a testament to the school's unwavering pursuit of these goals.


    Mr Tin Ip, Education Director of YCIS Shanghai, accepted the award on behalf of the school. He highlighted YCIS Shanghai's experience in harmonising Chinese and Western cultures.


    According to Mr Ip, YCYW places a strong emphasis on holistic education and the school offers a remarkably comprehensive curriculum. In addition, the school has a diverse team of staff with different cultural backgrounds, fostering a school atmosphere that values international-mindedness and global citizenship.


    He cited YCYW's Somerset programme in the United Kingdom as an example. In the programme, students have the opportunity to broaden their horizons and mindsets through immersive learning experiences that allow them to learn about the local culture first-hand.


    "We hope that they will become more globally-minded and at the same time, appreciate the fact that people of different cultures might hold different views on certain things, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are wrong. I think this mutual respect is quite important. We do value our character education and that is a significant part of the character education we offer to our students," he stated.  


    The faculty at YCIS Shanghai's faculty has earned a reputation for its stability and professionalism within the international education community. Mr Ip pointed out that YCYW's multi-location education network offers teachers increased opportunities for professional development. The organisation also dedicates substantial resources to upgrading the professional skills of its staff every year. 


    In addition, Mr Ip emphasies YCYW's commitment to being a caring organisation. During the pandemic lockdown last year, the organisation overcame a lot of challenges to ensure the provision of daily necessities for its staff, and initiatives like this fostered a strong sense of belonging among the staff.


    As a global education pioneer rooted in Hong Kong, China, YCYW continues to pioneer and innovate in the field of international education. It is resolute in its mission to be a trailblazer in contemporary China's international education landscape by adhering to the belief that international education should integrate the finest elements from both Chinese and Western educational philosophies. 


    In the future, YCYW will continue to stay attuned to global education trends and foster collaboration with educational institutions and schools around the world to promote the development of international education, and provide better educational opportunities for more children.