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    University Offers for the YCYW Class of 2024

    School News

    13 Jun, 2024

    16 : 01



    In the rapidly developing field of education, university admissions are no longer a simple matter of scores and rankings. This is particularly true for the graduates of the Class of 2024. They are about to enter a new stage of their lives, and face unprecedented choices and challenges. As humanity rushes into the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), how should people discover their own irreplaceable values?


    We are delighted to report that graduates of the Class of 2024, because of their own hard work and talent, have received conditional offers from some of the world's top universities, including the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, Stanford University, Cornell University, and other schools. The graduates will have the opportunity to enter the most competitive fields of study at these universities.



    What is particularly gratifying is that, with the help of the entire community, including parents, teachers, Careers and University Guidance Officers, and alumni, the graduates will be able to explore their inner passions and aspirations in depth. Instead of blindly pursuing top-ranked institutions, they have chosen universities that best suit their interests, strengths, and career plans.


    University Offers for the YCYW Class of 2024(As of 26 April, 2024)

    * indicates more than one offer 





    Listing in alphabetical order 

    Anglia Ruskin University 安格利亚鲁斯金大学 *

    Birmingham City University 伯明翰城市大学 *

    Bournemouth University 伯恩茅斯大学 *

    Bristol, University of the West of England 西英格兰大学 *

    Brunel University London 布鲁内尔大学 *

    Buckinghamshire New University 新白金汉大学 

    Cardiff University 卡迪夫大学 *

    City, University of London 伦敦大学城市学院 *

    Coventry University 考文垂大学

    Durham University 杜伦大学 *

    Glasgow School of Art 格拉斯哥艺术学院 *

    Goldsmiths, University of London 伦敦大学金史密斯学院 *

    Heriot-Watt University 赫瑞-瓦特大学

    Imperial College London 伦敦帝国理工学院 *

    Istituto Marangoni London 伦敦马兰戈尼学院

    JCA | London Fashion Academy 伦敦时装学院

    King's College London 伦敦国王学院 *

    Kingston University 金斯顿大学 *

    Lancaster University 兰卡斯特大学 *

    Leeds Arts University 利兹艺术大学

    Leeds Beckett University 利兹贝克特大学

    London Metropolitan University 伦敦都市大学

    Loughborough College 拉夫堡学院 *

    Loughborough University 拉夫堡大学 *

    Manchester Metropolitan University 曼彻斯特城市大学 *

    Middlesex University 密德萨斯大学

    Newcastle University 纽卡斯尔大学 *

    Northumbria University, Newcastle 诺森比亚大学

    Nottingham Trent University 诺丁汉特伦特大学 *

    Oxford Brookes University 牛津布鲁克斯大学

    Queen Mary University of London 伦敦玛丽女王大学

    Ravensbourne University London 伦敦拉文斯伯恩大学

    Regent's University London 伦敦摄政大学 *

    Rose Bruford College 罗斯布鲁弗学院

    Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London 


    Royal Holloway, University of London 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院 *

    Royal Veterinary College, University of London 伦敦大学皇家兽医学院

    Sheffield Hallam University 谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学 *

    SOAS University of London 伦敦大学亚非学院 *

    Solent University (Southampton) 索伦特大学(南安普顿)

    Teesside University, Middlesbrough 提赛德大学 *

    The London School of Economics and Political Science 伦敦政治经济学院 *

    The University of Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学 *

    UCL (University College London) 伦敦大学学院 *

    University for the Creative Arts 创意艺术大学 *

    University of Bath 巴斯大学 *

    University of Bedfordshire 贝德福特大学

    University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学 *

    University of Brighton 布莱顿大学 *

    University of Bristol 布里斯托尔大学 *

    University of Cambridge 剑桥大学

    University of Chester 切斯特大学

    University of East Anglia UEA 东安格利亚大学

    University of Essex 埃塞克斯大学 *

    University of Exeter 埃克塞特大学 *

    University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学 *

    University of Greenwich 格林尼治大学

    University of Hertfordshire 赫特福德大学

    University of Huddersfield 哈德斯菲尔德大学

    University of Kent 肯特大学 *

    University of Leeds 利兹大学 *

    University of Liverpool 利物浦大学 *

    University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学 *

    University of Nottingham 诺丁汉大学 *

    University of Oxford 牛津大学 *

    University of Portsmouth 朴茨茅斯大学

    University of Reading 雷丁大学 *

    University of Sheffield 谢菲尔德大学 *

    University of South Wales 南威尔士大学

    University of Southampton 南安普顿大学 *

    University of St Andrews 圣安德鲁斯大学 *

    University of Strathclyde 思克莱德大学

    University of Suffolk 萨福克大学

    University of Surrey 萨里大学 *

    University of Sussex 萨塞克斯大学 *

    University of the Arts London 伦敦艺术大学 *

    University of Warwick 华威大学 *

    University of West London 西伦敦大学

    University of Westminster, London 伦敦威斯敏斯特大学 *

    University of Winchester 温切斯特大学

    University of Worcester 伍斯特大学

    University of York 约克大学 *







    Listing in alphabetical order 

    Arizona State University 亚利桑那州立大学*

    ArtCenter College of Design 艺术中心设计学院*

    Auburn University 奥本大学

    Augustana College 奥古斯塔纳学院

    Babson College 巴布森学院

    Baylor University 贝勒大学

    Berklee College of Music 伯克利音乐学院*

    Binghamton University 宾汉姆顿大学

    Boston University 波士顿大学*

    California Baptist University 加州浸会大学*

    California College of the Arts 加州艺术学院*

    California Lutheran University 加州路德大学

    Case Western Reserve University 凯斯西储大学*

    Columbia College Chicago 芝加哥哥伦比亚学院

    Cornell University 康奈尔大学

    Daemen University 德门大学*

    Denison University 丹尼森大学

    DePaul University 德保罗大学

    East Carolina University 东卡罗来纳州立大学

    Eastern Michigan University 东密歇根大学

    Elon University 依隆大学

    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 安柏瑞德航空大学*

    Emerson College 爱默生学院

    Emory University 埃默里大学*

    Foothill-De Anza Community College District


    Fordham University 福特汉姆大学*

    Gardner-Webb University 加德纳韦伯大学

    Georgia State University 乔治亚州立大学

    Glenville State University 格伦威尔州立学院*

    Gonzaga University 贡萨加大学

    Guilford College 吉尔福德学院

    Hamilton College 汉密尔顿学院

    Hobart and William Smith Colleges 霍巴特和威廉史密斯学院*

    Houston Christian University 休斯顿基督大学*

    Hult International Business School 霍特国际商学院

    Illinois Institute of Technology 伊利诺伊理工大学*

    Indiana University Bloomington 印第安纳大学伯明顿分校*

    Kansas State University 堪萨斯州立大学

    Kent State University 肯特州立大学

    Kenyon College 凯尼恩学院

    Lafayette College 拉斐特学院

    Lehigh University 理海大学

    Lewis University 路易斯大学*

    Los Angeles College of Music 洛杉矶音乐学院

    Loyola Marymount University 洛约拉马利蒙特大学*

    Lycoming College 利康明学院

    Macalester College 玛卡莱斯特学院

    Maryland Institute College of Art 马里兰艺术学院*

    Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 


    Michigan State Uinversity 密歇根州立大学*    

    Mount Holyoke College 蒙特霍利约克学院

    MI College of Contemporary Music 美国MI现代音乐学院*

    Nazareth University 纳萨勒斯大学*

    New York University 纽约大学

    Northeastern University 东北大学*

    Northwest Missouri State University 密苏里西北州立大学

    Northwestern University 西北大学

    Ohio Northern University 俄亥俄北方大学*

    Otis College of Art and Design 奥蒂斯艺术设计学院*

    Pace University 佩斯大学*

    Parsons School of Design 帕森斯设计学院*

    Pennsylvania State University 宾夕法尼亚州立大学*

    Pepperdine University 佩珀代因大学

    Portland State University 波特兰州立大学

    Pratt Institute 普瑞特艺术学院*

    Purdue University 普渡大学*

    Regis College 里吉斯学院

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 伦斯勒理工学院

    Ringling College of Art and Design 瑞林艺术与设计学院*

    Rochester Institute of Technology 罗切斯特理工学院*

    Rutgers University 罗格斯大学*

    Savannah College of Art and Design 萨凡纳艺术与设计学院*

    School of the Art Institute of Chicago 芝加哥艺术学院*

    School of Visual Arts 纽约视觉艺术学院*

    Seattle University 西雅图大学*

    St. John's University 圣约翰大学*

    St. Olaf College 圣奥拉夫学院

    Stanford University 斯坦福大学

    SUNY Binghamton University 纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校

    SUNY Stony Brook University 石溪大学*

    SUNY University at Albany 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校

    SUNY University at Buffalo 纽约州立大学布法罗分校*

    Syracuse University 雪城大学*

    Temple University 天普大学

    The City University of New York (Queens College) 


    The College of Wooster 伍斯特学院

    The New School 新学院大学*

    The Ohio State University 俄亥俄州立大学

    The University of Connecticut 康涅狄格大学*

    The University of Rochester 罗切斯特大学

    The University of Texas at Austin 得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校

    Transylvania University 特兰西瓦尼亚大学

    Trinity University 三一大学

    Tufts University 塔夫茨大学

    University of Arizona 亚利桑那大学*

    University of California, Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校*

    University of California, Davis 加州大学戴维斯分校*

    University of California, Irvine 加州大学尔湾分校*

    University of California, Los Angeles 加州大学洛杉矶分校*

    University of California, Merced 加州大学默塞德分校*

    University of California, Riverside 加州大学河滨分校*

    University of California, San Diego 加州大学圣地亚哥分校*

    University of California, Santa Barbara 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校*

    University of California, Santa Cruz 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校*

    University of Delaware 特拉华大学

    University of Denver 丹佛大学

    University of Florida 佛罗里达大学

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 


    University of Iowa 爱荷华大学

    University of Massachusetts Amherst 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校*

    University of Minnesota Twin Cities 明尼苏达大学*

    University of Missouri 密苏里大学

    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 


    University of North Carolina at Pembroke 


    University of Oregon 俄勒冈大学

    University of Pittsburg 匹兹堡大学

    University of Rochester 罗切斯特大学*

    University of San Francisco 旧金山大学

    University of South Dakota 南达科他大学*

    University of Southern California 南加州大学*

    University of the Incarnate Word 圣道大学

    University of Utah 犹他大学*

    University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学

    University of Washington 华盛顿大学

    University of Wisconsin, Madison 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校*

    Virginia Tech 弗吉尼亚理工大学

    Wartburg College 沃特伯格学院

    World Bachelor in Business program (USC, HKU, Bocconi) 


    Xavier University 泽维尔大学*

    York College of Pennsylvania 宾州约克学院

    Youngstown State University 扬斯敦州立大学



    Hong Kong SAR and the Chinese mainland 


    Listing in alphabetical order 

    City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大学*

    Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸会大学*

    NYU Shanghai 上海纽约大学

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大学*

    The Education University of Hong Kong 香港教育大学*

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大学*

    The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 


    The University of Hong Kong 香港大学*

    YCCECE 耀中幼教学院





    Listing in alphabetical order 

    Concordia University 康考迪亚大学

    Fraser International College 弗雷泽国际学院*

    Huron at Western University 休伦大学学院*

    McGill University 麦吉尔大学

    McMaster University 麦克马斯特大学*

    Ontario Tech University 安大略理工大学

    Simon Fraser University 西蒙弗雷泽大学*

    St. John's University 圣约翰大学*

    The University of Alberta 阿尔伯塔大学*

    The University of British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚大学*

    The University of Ottawa 渥太华大学*

    Toronto Metropolitan University 多伦多都市大学*

    University of Calgary 卡尔加里大学

    University of Saint Mary 圣玛丽大学

    University of Saskatchewan 萨斯喀彻温大学

    University of Toronto 多伦多大学*

    University of Victoria 维多利亚大学*

    University of Waterloo 滑铁卢大学*

    Western University 韦仕敦大学*

    Wilfrid Laurier University 威尔弗里德劳里埃大学

    York University 约克大学*






    Listing in alphabetical order 

    Australian National University 澳大利亚国立大学

    Curtin University 科廷大学

    Monash University 莫纳什大学*

    RMIT 皇家墨尔本理工大学*

    University of Canberra 堪培拉大学

    University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学*

    University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学*

    University of Sydney 悉尼大学*



    Other Regions 


    Listing in alphabetical order 

    Bella Vista Institute of Higher Education 瑞士高等商学院

    Business and Hotel Management School - BHMS


    Constructor University 康斯特大学

    Dankook University 檀国大学

    EBS University 德国EBS商学院

    EHL Hospitality Business & Hotel Management School EHL


    Franklin University 富兰克林大学*

    Glion Switzerland 瑞士格里昂酒店管理学院

    Hanyang University 汉阳大学

    IE University IE大学

    KAIST 韩国科学技术院

    Koç University 庆应义塾大学

    Les Roches 瑞士理诺士大学

    Luiss University 意大利Luiss大学

    Monash University Malaysia 马来西亚莫纳什大学

    Raffles College 莱佛士设计学院

    Sungkyunkwan University 成均馆大学

    Sungshin Women's University 诚信女子大学*

    University College Roosevelt 罗斯福大学学院

    University of Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹大学

    University of Leiden 莱顿大学

    Waseda University 早稻田大学



    From the "best" university to the most suitable; preparing for a meaningful life beyond the university


    At our holistic educational organisation, we recognise that each student has unique potential and aspirations. We believe that the ultimate goal of education is not to shape students into a uniform standard, but rather to foster their creativity and spirit of exploration, thus enabling them to excel in their chosen fields.


    Dr Betty Chan Po-king, CEO & School Supervisor of YCYW, has said in an interview: "Our mission as educators is to prepare children for the future—and their future is not only about being admitted to a prestigious university. What we are concerned about is educating students for their future. We hope parents agree with us on that point. Obtaining a diploma, or even a doctorate, is just one part of life's journey. Far more important is how our students will fulfil their responsibilities in their careers, to their families, and in the long term. This is what is important when we educate our students."


    YCYW is committed to providing students with counselling for further education that goes beyond the mastery of how to take exams. Our philosophy is to develop the ability of our students to deal with long-term learning, their lives, and the future challenges they will face. 


    Yew Chung and Yew Wah schools offer comprehensive Career and University Guidance programmes, including the University Preparation Programme. These programmes  help students gain admission to their ideal university and adapt to its learning style, so that they can make full use of its resources and thus further improve themselves.


    In addition, the Advanced University Preparation Programme provides students with content-rich reading lists to cultivate their understanding of topics such as science, society, the environment, and geopolitics. YCYW teachers and academics from international universities host meetings to stimulate discussions and debates about these topics.


    In 2020, YCYW formed a team of experts to review all university applications to institutions in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Hong Kong SAR. This review process includes examining all application materials submitted by students and the schools’ Careers and University Guidance Officers to ensure the quality and suitability of the materials.


    In October 2023, the Careers and University Guidance Office (CUGO) organised the inaugural "Somerset Elite Applications Programme" at Somerset, UK, which provided students with the opportunity to visit elite universities and receive face-to-face counselling from experts on how to apply to prestigious institutions. This programme allowed students to gain a more intuitive understanding of the university environment.


    In addition to providing support related to further study at universities, the Careers and University Guidance Officers are also committed to helping students consider their future career plans at an early stage. They encourage students to choose the university major that best aligns with their career goals or talents.


    Yew Chung Yew Wah schools offer a range of programmes to prepare students for a meaningful life beyond the university. For example, YCIS Shanghai's "Me at 30" programme encourages Year 11 students to think critically about what a meaningful life entails and to explore different aspects of professional work through internships. Whilst a unique focus on the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens in Year 10, gives students life skills and a purpose that set them up for success.


    Moreover, YCYW's global alumni network provides students with opportunities to gain valuable insights into university life and emerging career trends.


    According to Mr Nick Strong, Division Head of CUGO, starting from next year, the organisation will provide Specialist Career Training to all career and education counsellors. Through this training, counsellors will be able to provide guidance on a variety of career paths, including those that require a university education, as well as alternatives, such as direct employment after high school and degree apprenticeships.


    For the graduates of the Class of 2024, admission to university is not an end, but a new beginning. We hope they will maintain their curiosity and confidence as they bravely embark on their own unique explorations of their life paths ahead.